So we are day two of no school, day 7 of Thanksgiving break. Remember how much I said I loved a snow day?

My job is super fast spaced at school and I LOVE not going to work for a couple of days. All of the other educators are out on for the snow day too and the work is not piling up in my inbox like it might be if I were home with a sick kid or taking a personal day. BUT, I am now wishing the couple days break were in a week or so and not tacked onto a five-day break.

On days like this, I am so tempted to go and do something. I am a goer and doer. I even contemplated trying to find a babysitter so I could go out by myself for a bit. But then I remembered to be content. I don’t need to go and do all the time. We don’t need to run any errands. I don’t need to go out for lunch and spend money because a little boredom lies at the forefront. To be bored is to be a boring person.

As you might know, I like to be on the move and I have unfortunately cultivated a “what’s next” type of personality in my children. I love taking trips and finding an adventure, but I also understand the importance of my children finding ways to entertain themselves.

My version of this is to turn off the TV and tell them to find something to do. This is super fun. There is a lot of yelling and fighting for a quick minute and then they settle down, huddle up, and make a plan on how they can destroy the house.

I run diversion tactics and we play games, make crafts, play with our beloved Picasso tiles (the cheaper version of magnatiles), and make forts over and over and over again. It is marvelous and all must be picked up for the Mr. gets home, or steam comes from his ears. I haven’t left the house in two days, except if you count our good neighbor friends asking us to come over for a couple of hours for leftover birthday cake and a beer. Thanking the Lord for the invite! It is a nice change of scenery. Visiting friends was also was a free activity that my kids loved. We got to play and destroy someone else’s house for a change.

What do you like to do at home with your kids? How do you keep them entertained?