Outgoing, Rebel, Task Master

Loves: Jesus, eating, travel, organization, writing, running, bread, sarcasm, and Dave Ramsey (getting out of debt, not actually him).

Dislikes: fake people, complacency, socks bunching up in my shoes, the hair in the shower drain, people who complain all the time.

I am a sturdy, Midwestern, middle of life mother of three, lovely but bratty offspring. I grew up on a farm in Illinois and even though neither of us wants to farm for a living,  I’d love it if we were just a tad MORE rural, and actually living on a farm. 

I grew up in the sticks, without a town of more than 10,000 within 30 miles. I entertained myself outside because we only got two channels on our tv. I barely got to watch Reading Rainbow. I would have to go outside and turn the metal antenna snaking up the side of our 100-year-old farmhouse to get better reception. Wholesome or backwoods? You decide. 

I believe it’s important to live with intention and not do things just because everyone else is. I believe in treating all people how you would want to be treated and experiencing life to the fullest. That means I try to take risks when my heart can handle it, and challenge myself. If you aren’t changing, you’re dying. 

I work full time in education in the town we live in. This has some drawbacks.  For instance, not being able to go to the store on a Saturday in my pajamas, seeing a parent at a baseball practice that would like to complain about what was served on Tuesday in the cafeteria, and discussing every homework assignment that Timmy forgot to turn in at the Friday night ball game. But there are MANY more benefits. I get to be where my kids are, love on kids and families I know so well, and, hopefully, making a difference in the lives of kids.  Most days I love what I do. The other days, working in a state that is heavy on mandates and light on public education funds can make me pull my hair out.

I do have a husband, much to others shock and dismay. I married WAY up. He’s cool, calm, and collected in every way I am not. And he’s acquired some amazing doublespeak at the university as a political science major. So since I lose every verbal spar, I get revenge here. 

Need more? Contact me. 


Lovable, Rule Follower, Work-A-Holic

Loves: keeping his kids safe, work, coffee, getting up early, big-picture ideas, saving the day, anything that reminds him of his childhood. 

Dislikes: roller coasters, shopping, the unknown, not being able to control a situation, needles, a messy house, lights on in rooms no one is in.

I grew up in a small town in Illinois, my parents part owners with their siblings in a farm equipment business. When I was 12 my parents decided to buy a farm. Since then, my Father worked from sun up to sundown, going from working at the shop and then out to the farm to do his chores. He still does.

I might not farm, but I have learned from my Dad the value of good work. It might sound basic, but the work I do is anything but. 

I am a proponent for the rural living and the quality of life it can afford, and I have an intense desire to share information on rural living with those interested in learning more about it. I am a rural economic developer by trade and have also been serving as the Mayor of our City since 2013. I was elected at age 33.  Doing this gives me a unique perspective as I work to raise my family and raise up a community.

I enjoy being the idea guy and burning myself out for the betterment of the world around me. When people tell me that an idea will not work, I only want to work harder. Ideas and vision,  I may have, but I lack the writing skills in conveying them. This is going to be a unique journey for me. 

She will disagree, but I think I am the one that got the better end of the deal in our marriage. She keeps the whole lot of us going where we need to be, while also working full time, and being active in the community.  

I am fortunate in so many ways. I get to do something I love and I have a great and supportive family that allows me to do so.

Need more? Contact me.