Low cost of living, Wide open spaces, & Friendly Faces

This blog is a platform where we can share our experiences with raising kids in a tiny town in middle America. And not because we are stuck here, but because we CHOSE to be here.  Not a city dweller, I still peruse the internet for content that speaks to me, inspires me, and helps me be a better wife and Mom. While a lot of the content is written and curated by people in urban areas, I believe that there is enough space for the content of a different kind. Different strokes for different folks. Please know, we are not saying that one way of life is better than the other. We ARE saying this is what we are doing and why we love it. 

My family and my husband’s family come from humble beginnings and a strong work ethic. Family history and a love for the idealistic upbringing we both experienced in this rural area, we are active and involved in our community. We have a passion for bettering it for those who will come after us.  This blog is a tale of what we are up against and the journey of raising our kids rural and helping others raise the idea of how they can do it too.