Here are some tips/ideas for cutting back at Christmas. 

1. Budget- Schmudget. This trips me up every year. I think I need to spend THIS AMOUNT on each child. Then because I need to spend more money, I waste it on junk that only clutters my house and drains my bank account because I was $20 short for one kid. Then the present I was buying went over the $20 amount and I am buying for the other two. It never ends. WHO CARES? Your kids don’t. Trust me. 

2. Present Counters: Not everyone has to have the same amount. If your kid counts, discourage them and let them know that it doesn’t matter!

3. The Joneses: Don’t worry about what others are doing. Do what is right for you and your family. And boastful pictures of the loot under the tree on social media aren’t helping anyone. 

4. Charity: Think about sending money/supplies/gift to a charity. Help your kids see that even though they didn’t get 50 gifts this year, there are those who get none.

5. If you feel compelled to spend a certain amount on my children, maybe some of the budgeted money could be put in a college fund, savings account, car fund. 

6. Spend Time, Not Money:

Here is my list of things I want to put on our list this year from the immediate family. Most are things we can do together or are experiences that my kids would love to have more than a toy that gets forgotten about after a month. 

1.Gift cards to our local kid gym Gift cards to the skating rink

2.Gift cards to the indoor swimming pool and rock wall

3. Pool Passes

3. A trip to the ZooMagic House tickets

4. City Museum Tickets

5. Myseum Tickets

6. Tickets to see “Disney on Ice”

7. Gift cards to the movie theater

8. Gift cards to the movie theater

9. Coupons- For example: Cookie baking time with _________ . (This could be replaced by any special thing where you organize an activity with my children. It could be a movie, McDonald’s, making a craft, going to a park, getting ice cream, etc. As long as they are spending time with you and doing something other than everyday activities, they will be in heaven!)