I love the movies. A lot. You might be surprised to find out that going to a movie with your family is like piloting a rocket to the moon.
I remember the luxury of time before there were kids. When we were dating, we would do dinner AND a movie. On the same night. It was one of my favorite things to do.

Now we never go on a date and see a movie. The time away from kids is just too valuable. We spend that time doing things that suck to do when kids are with you. Shop for furniture or cars, grocery shop, or eat at a trendy restaurant. We won’t take our troop anywhere trendy because, A. it will likely cost a trajillion dollars, and B. they will make it miserable. Sometimes I just want to eat my bruschetta in peace without telling someone to “sit down and eat!”

And while I love going to the movies, even if I have to take my kids, it can be miserable.

First of all, our youngest can’t sit in the seat. He can’t see. Which means he is on one of our laps. Or back in forth the whole movie. Wiping his buttery hands on each of us. Why aren’t movie seat boosters a thing yet? Please, someone, invent it and make millions. I would totally take $2 to rent a booster seat for my kids’ chair.

Second, any movie we see is teeming with young children. The ONLY good thing about this is that there is likely a group of kids who are WORSE than ours. Their mild misbehavior goes unnoticed because the 2-year-old in row 15 won’t stop screaming “Max!” every time Max makes an appearance in The Grinch. EVERY.TIME.

Third, movie nights are expensive. And my kids can put away some popcorn and candy.

Fourth, the “dinner” before the movie last night was peanut butter and jelly and chips because the budget did not allow for dinner, and movie, and popcorn. And I brought in two bottles of water. Please don’t message me or comment about how unsavory it is to bring in drinks. My kids don’t drink soda and paying $3.00 for water is just not going to happen.

Fifth, someone is going to spill something. Likely, very loudly. Our middle child once kicked her box of M&M’s on the floor, making a very fun noise for the whole theater to hear.

And lastly, someone always has to pee. Usually, at the best moment in the movie.

What hacks do you have to make movie-going with your littles easier?